About CBD Vines

CBD Vines is a Texas based wine producer bringing the medical benefits of CBDs to the wine enthusiast without the psychotropic effects of THC. Hemp derived CBDs are infused into our wines to create a unique experience for our consumers.

The wine market is one of the strongest and most stable markets in the alcohol industry. Millenials are searching for safer recreational options instead of traditional alcohol products for consumption. Many are choosing wine and marijuana products over the highly popular craft beer market. In fact, craft beer sales have seen a decline over the last two most recent quarters. Wine has been steadily increasing due to its focus on the female market and upper middle class families. CBD Vines addresses both markets in a niche that is poised for exceptional growth. Being one of the first wines of its kind in the marketplace is sure to have a lasting impression from a brand awareness standpoint.

The Five Most Popular Wine Varietals/Styles are 1) chardonnay, 2) cabernet sauvignon, 3) red blends, 4) pinot grigio, and 5) pinot noir (WBM, 2017). This is expected to continue in 2017. Our flagship wine is a cabernet sauvignon creatively named CaBD Sauv followed closely by our signature Chardonay, CBDonay.

Our wines are produced in Texas, the nation’s 5th most populous for vineyards in the nation and the 2nd most popular wine destination. These facts will increase our visibility.

See references below.

Healthy Benefits of CBDs and Wines

The health benefits of drinking wine come from moderate consumption, defined by the American Heart Association as one to two four-ounce glasses a day (one glass of wine is recommended for women and one to two for men.)

The antioxidant resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes. Because red wines are in contact with the grape skins longer, the levels of resveratrol are also higher. Studies claim that resveratrol may contribute to the following benefits:

  • Healthy heart – The antioxidants found in a glass of wine may increase your levels of high-density lipids (“good” cholesterol) and lower your low-density lipids (“bad” cholesterol) as well as increase the levels of omega-3 fatty acids which are known to have protective effects on heart and blood circulation.
  • Anti-aging effects – Antioxidants soak up damaging free radicals that play a role in aging and age-related diseases. Wine and grape derivatives can also help reduce the damaging effects of UV rays from overexposure to the sun.
  • Decreases risks for diabetes – Insulin resistance is a critical factor contributing to type 2 diabetes risk. Wine’s ability to improve sensitivity to insulin will ensure that your body accepts insulin properly.
  • Lowers risks for cancer – Studies have shown that the antioxidants in wine may slow the growth of cancer cells, particularly breast and colon cancer cells and may even suppress the growth of cancer cells on the prostate.
  • Promotes mental health – Red wine can reduce your risks of stroke and dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidants in red wine reduce the stickiness of blood platelets helping maintain a good blood supply to the brain, therefore reducing the risk for brain and mental impairment.
  • Protects teeth – Red wine and grape seed extracts help remove certain bacteria from teeth. A glass of red wine may kill these dangerous bacteria in your mouth, promoting dental health.
  • Fosters good eyesight – Antioxidants in red wine prevent age-related deterioration of eye muscles. Wine can help stop the growth of blood vessels in the eye which can cause macular degeneration or failing eyesight.

Adding the advantageous qualities of hemp derived CBD increases the benefits by adding the documented positive effects of CBDs without THC. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of at least 85 cannabinoids found in various concentrations throughout the different parts of the hemp plant. Cannabinoids are a class of botanical chemical compounds that deliver an array benefits. According to https://www.drugabuse.gov, pre-clinical research (including both cell culture and animal models) has shown CBD to have a range of effective properties that may be therapeutically useful for:

  • Anti-seizure
  • Antioxidant
  • Neuroprotective
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-tumor
  • Anti-psychotic
  • Anti-anxiety

See references below.

Marketing Information and Sales Projections

Total US wine sales approached $60 billion in 2016, with an estimated $39.8 billion in sales from domestic wine and the remainder from imports. 2016 is the 24th consecutive year of grown for US wine sales. Optimism is high that 2017 will continue to see the small but steady growth pattern of previous years, at around 1 to 3% volume and 2 to 4% in value according to Wines & Vines (2017).

  • 120 million Americans drink wine – approx. 36% of 330 million (Nielsen, 2017).
  • Per capita global ranking = #42
  • High Frequency Wine Drinkers = 38% drink weekly (Nielsen, 2017)
  • Largest Wine Consuming Generations = Millennials and Baby Boomers (Wine Market Council, 2016)
  • Americans continue to prefer wine and spirits over beer, even with popularity of craft beer (Nielson, 2017).

CBD Vines has entered into a contract for disbursement of our product to approximately 100 locations through an agreement with Texas Vineyard Markets.

CBD Vines is projecting to have disbursement agreements in place for Nevada, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, California, Washington, Oregon, Maine, Colorado, Florida and Alaska by the end of 2018. The company anticipates being in all 50 states by the end of 2019.

CBD Vines is projecting to gross approximately $600,000 annually assuming only .0015% of the wine sales nationwide by the end of 2017. This estimate grows substantially as other disbursement outlets are secured. Projected 2018-2019 gross revenues of 4 to 5M are forecasted.

See references below.

Contact Us

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